
Autonomy. Connected.

Making connected
autonomy a reality.

Cobalt is Arondite's AI software platform. It acts as the connective tissue between your platforms, assets, robotic systems, autonomous systems and data.

Cobalt enables your organisation to take a unified approach so you can make better decisions and take  action faster. Use Arondite's in-built AI capabilities or deploy your own AI safely and at scale across your organisation.

Autonomy. Connected.

The Cobalt Platform

Human-Machine Teaming - Plan tasks comprising blends of sensors, robotic systems and humans.
Mission Plans - Build reusable, adaptable and robust plans to team with robotic systems at scale.
Plan and Simulate - explore and simulate options before execution.
Out of the box analytics - tools for better data-driven decision-making.
Accelerate and automate - take action faster by utilising real-time data analysis.
AI-enabled analytics - Combine AI, human and algorithmic decision-making.
Replay and experiment - Play back missions and explore alternative scenarios.
Curate - Link and structure a unified model of your organisation's data.
Remember - Capture decisions and actions in your data model to build compounding value.
‍Learn - Harness your mission data to enable seamless training and deployment of AI models.
Protect - Securely set and manage your Access Control and Permissions so you can scale safely across your organisation.
Robotic and Autonomous Systems - centrally task and orchestrate your assets.
Sensors - stream data from any sensor in your organisation.
Enterprise Data - integrate relevant data from your organisation to enhance decision making.

Open Source Data - integrate a range of data from open sources.

25 billion
Estimated number of IoT devices in 2026, with an expected year-on-year growth rate of 15%
Average human accuracy rate when observing multiple sensor feeds
4 million
Number of Unmanned Systems expected to be used by Ukraine in 2025.
Percentage of businesses forecast to use robotics by 2030

Cobalt Use Cases

The multidomain AI platform to connect the autonomous world.

Battlespace Management

Integrate with other C2, C5ISR, battlespace management and planning tools or replace them altogether. Deliver Human-Machine teaming by controlling your sensors and autonomous systems alongside your people and crewed platforms.

Sensor & Effector Integration

Any sensor, any effector, anywhere. Cross-cue and rapidly add new sensors or effectors to your existing fleet.

Multi-Domain Autonomy

Integrate your data from assets across every domain, agnostic to manufacturer. Enable collaboration between Air, Land, Sea, Space and Cyber.

Intelligence & Analytics

Process data at scale, uncover insights, spot patterns. Train, test, certify and deploy AI models across any sensor or workflow. Use the right model for the right job with comprehensive labelling, audit and explainability features.

Law Enforcement

Integrate data from sensors, plan tasks and take a coordinated multi-agency approach whilst protecting personal information and maintaining auditable evidentiary standards.

Critical Infrastructure

Monitor, pre-empt, react and learn: Keep your infrastructure secure and online. Spot patterns. Learn and improve your organisation's approach.

Search and Rescue

Coordinate and automate search and rescue. Use autonomous systems alongside crewed platforms and ground teams. Spot those at risk using AI across any of your sensors.

Incident Management

Reduce the friction involved in multi-agency incident response. Build situational awareness by sharing a unified common operating picture and making sensor feeds available to responders.

Survey and Monitoring

Automate surveys, monitor your sensor data, pre-empt issues, respond to alerts, reduce downtime to keep your sites safe and working optimally.


Unify and automate your approach to site security by monitoring access, automate the monitoring of perimeter sensors and understand internal risks.


Embrace the role of autonomy in your logistics operations by managing any robotics or autonomous system alongside the fleet management of your existing platforms.

Asset Management

Gain an integrated picture of your assets' status, health, location, scheduling and maintenance requirements. Find hidden efficiencies and automate tasks.

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Battlespace Management

Integrate with other C2, C5ISR, battlespace management and planning tools or replace them altogether. Deliver Human-Machine teaming by controlling your sensors and autonomous systems alongside your people and crewed platforms.

Sensor & Effector Integration

Any sensor, any effector, anywhere. Cross-cue and rapidly add new sensors or effectors to your existing fleet.

Multi-Domain Autonomy

Integrate your data from assets across every domain, agnostic to manufacturer. Enable collaboration between Air, Land, Sea, Space and Cyber.

Intelligence & Analytics

Process data at scale, uncover insights, spot patterns. Train, test, certify and deploy AI models across any sensor or workflow. Use the right model for the right job with comprehensive labelling, audit and explainability features.

Law Enforcement

Integrate data from sensors, plan tasks and take a coordinated multi-agency approach whilst protecting personal information and maintaining auditable evidentiary standards.

Critical Infrastructure

Monitor, pre-empt, react and learn: Keep your infrastructure secure and online. Spot patterns. Learn and improve your organisation's approach.

Search and Rescue

Coordinate and automate search and rescue. Use autonomous systems alongside crewed platforms and ground teams. Spot those at risk using AI across any of your sensors.

Incident Management

Reduce the friction involved in multi-agency incident response. Build situational awareness by sharing a unified common operating picture and making sensor feeds available to responders.

Survey and Monitoring

Automate surveys, monitor your sensor data, pre-empt issues, respond to alerts, reduce downtime to keep your sites safe and working optimally.


Unify and automate your approach to site security by monitoring access, automate the monitoring of perimeter sensors and understand internal risks.


Embrace the role of autonomy in your logistics operations by managing any robotics or autonomous system alongside the fleet management of your existing platforms.

Asset Management

Gain an integrated picture of your assets' status, health, location, scheduling and maintenance requirements. Find hidden efficiencies and automate tasks.

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